Are you suffering as a result of 24 HOUR NEWS WATCHING and doomscrolling?

In the 70s and 80s the only news you watched was the twice daily news bulletins that ITV and BBC, so if there was bad news to listen we switched it off and then got back to our daily lives

Social Media and the internet has changed all that. We can access news 24 hours a day, and we can get notifications to our phones telling us when there is breaking news, so that we dont miss things.

Even if we do try to avoid news, we are bombarded by it from all angles, our friends on social media commenting on things all the time.

COVID has played a huge part in how we now see the news. We spent 2 years listening to regular doom and gloom, people dying, huge numbers in people ill. We constantly viewed our phones and laptops for news just to see if there was any chance of some GOOD news, but to no avail. It created a huge amount of anxiety amongst us all, but we kept watching, thus creating even more anxiety.

Recently the Ukrainian war came along, which has taken things to a new level. Yes, what is happening 3,500 miles away does have an impact on our lives, energy costs are increasing ( gas and petrol costs ), which has a knock on effect to all facets of our shopping etc.

This in turn is creating a fair amount of anxiety, but its not something we can CONTROL, so watching the news 24 hours a day ( and of course news will over dramatize things for effect ) on our phones and on the TV is only making people’s anxiety worse. We need to concentrate on what things we can control instead, such as our physical health ( exercise and diet ), our mental health ( negating the circle of distraction ), our family’s wellbeing ( help and support ), our working environment, our friends, etc ( Reference to Maslows theory ).

Tip – ever thought of subscribing to a happy news channel?