So really here we have to ask the question WHY are we drinking more? If it’s tied to anxiety then its time we look at whether there are any behavioural patterns, and how these can be ‘broken’. Obviously if you are 20 years old with no cares in the world, then this may not apply! But for those that are questioning and anxious about the fact they are drinking too much, and it is affecting their lives, family, etc, then read on!

  1. Is there a specific day that you have more to drink? What happens on that day that causes you to drink? 
  2. When you have had the drink, how do you feel? Is it positive or negative emotions?
  3. What makes you have more than one drink? What are your thoughts before pouring that second drink? Do you enjoy it? How do you feel after it?
  4. The next day, can you list the positive and negative outcomes from drinking?

Maybe when you have a drink, write down whats causing you to have that drink? Is it to celebrate? Are you stressed? If so, what’s the reason for the stress? Can another distraction method relieve the stress? Go for a walk, leave the stressful environment?

There is no harm in having a drink, but what leads to more than one?

Tip Write a list of the various reasons that you as a person drive you to have a drink.

For each one, try to come up with a suitable different distraction that you could do instead

Eg.  7pm, long day at work, kids playing up but finally gone to bed, on edge, need a drink to take the edge off…..instead of the drink what could you do?